Casual clothes for retirement

When I was working full-time, I put effort into assembling a stylish wardrobe that was appropriate for my workplace but also felt true to who I am. No stilettos for me, thank you. Perhaps my greatest professional accomplishment was putting together an outfit that included a pencil skirt and rubber-soled shoes. Oh yes, I did it. My ugly shoe game is strong.

But that time is gone. I might need a professional-looking outfit or something suitable for a city engagement once in a great while, but mostly I need clothes I can goof off in! Now that I’m retired, my days are mostly about being at home, reading, writing, cooking, grocery shopping, playing golf and walking or hiking. An occasional dinner out. I’ve put zero effort into style. My look is often what we used to call, “Joe Shit the Rag Man.”

The fashion blogs are filled with cool, stylish outfits, but I don’t need those kinds of outfits. I need play clothes! And that is why I went to REI this week. Plus, I had a gift card from my retirement party, so it was like free stuff. I bought two pairs of shorts and a top, and that pretty much burned up the card. I see future shopping trips to T.J. Maxx and other discount stores. Still, my new free shorts by prAna are modern with great fabric and great fit with a zippered pocket! I also love the longer length. I’m smitten.

I thought I was over wanting to look fashionable, but I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t want my retirement diary to be, “My Life as a Slob.” Retirement is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves. It’s obvious I will need proper clothes for the journey. I have ugly shoes, so that’s a head start.



4 thoughts on “Casual clothes for retirement”

  1. Keens – I suspect? I’m a fan with six pair and counting. Cheers to ugly shoes!! Love the Prana shorts too. You look great!

  2. Seems I have to get a pair of Keens for this summer’s beergarden trips. I always had a soft spot for ugly shoes.
    In the past I did jumble sales with some women for “Homeless Cats”. I was considered as disabled person because of my shoe habits! Makes me still laughing after all those years.

    1. The other thing I like about Keens — I have back problems, and I do best with a stiff non-flexible sole. Keens are perfect. Oh, and they cover your toes if you are between pedicures. What’s not to like?

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