Fragrance, taste and healing

Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley Bethesda again. That’s where my employer was headquartered, so we in the hinterlands often made the pilgrimage to Maryland for training, business meetings and other events.

In my dream, the weather turned bad, and everyone was holed up in the office. The big wheels were secluded in a conference room on the top floor, but I had superpowers and could hear their thoughts, which were actually quite simple.

Look at me. I’m a captain of industry. Riding out the storm at the office, my favorite place. I like it here. I feel comfortable here. I’m important.

In the dream, I could feel their pride coupled with a false sense of sacrifice. Like woe is me, such a burden, even though riding it out at the office with their comrades was exactly what they lived for.

Waking up, I felt grateful to be retired. Although I was ambitious and had a great career, every job disappointed me in the end. Dale and I were talking about winning the lottery, and I said, I don’t care. I mean, yes, more money would be great, but I have what I need. Life is good.

In choosing to jump ship, a lot of my decisions were driven by dinner (as they still are). I just couldn’t get excited about working longer and longer hours so I could come home to a bowl of cold cereal. My goal was to slow down, smell the roses, eat fabulous food and enjoy my time on the planet free from workplace drama.

Although I’m not one of those retire-at-35 people, retiring at 62 was a significant accomplishment. My life now is about reading, writing, playing outside and cooking. Outings with Dale to museums, wineries and such. The occasional road trip.

Today we’re hanging out inside. Smoke from the Northern California fires has blown our way, and unlike captains of industry, we are riding out the air quality at home, my favorite place, where fragrance, taste and healing are priorities.

Dale made a fresh batch of Mexican chorizo, which is a loose pork sausage, heavily spiced but not smoked. This morning for breakfast he browned some in a frying pan and then scrambled it with eggs. Homemade salsa verde to go with.

I started to defrost soup for lunch but then remembered an avocado on its last legs. I sliced it, garnished with fresh walnuts and drizzled a bit of olive oil on top. A sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper. It was so simple and delicious.

Dinner is pan-seared scallops. Dale is in charge of the scallops, while I will cook sides of sautéed Swiss Chard and yellow rice. The rice is based on a Cuban recipe, but I’ve tweaked it a bit. Dale likes chard, but for some reason, he usually resists. I guess because it’s not a potato. But he knew I was pissed about cleaning the house this morning while he did pretty much nothing. All I had to say was how about chard, and he’s like, oh yum, OK!

Saffron, rich with fragrance and taste and revered for its healing powers, is one of the world’s most expensive spices at $3,000 to $9,000 per pound, but you’ll be spending between $5.00 and $7.00 per gram. A little goes a long way.

Instant Pot Yellow Rice

1 cup Basmati rice, rinsed

1 ½ cups chicken stock

A tablespoon or two of butter

A big pinch of saffron

A pinch of Kosher salt

Put everything in the Instant Pot, lock the lid and make sure the pressure valve is closed. Select the rice setting. It should take about 15 minutes. When the cooking is complete, let it sit until everything else is ready and then release the pressure.

5 thoughts on “Fragrance, taste and healing”

  1. Fantastic! Sounds yummy. In Sweden they make these yeast holiday rolls with Saffron. Last Christmas my Swedish niece was visiting and made us some. If you think Saffon is expensive here you can only imagine the cost in Sweden. We went to a middle eastern grocery (Thank goodness for living in the find-everything-you’ever-wanted Bay Area) and got her a big bag to take home. You can get a very generous amount of really high quality saffron for the same price as a few threads at a typical grocery. She was so happy.

    1. I will have to check out the local Indian market. That’s where I buy my Basmati, although I would like to try brown Basmati. The brown is better for blood sugar ( I believe). I will have to sedate Dale, of course. He thinks brown rice is a conspiracy.

  2. Love scallops, love saffron, like rice and everything else you mention!
    Both of you are really Gourmets.
    I’m so glad to have that Instant Pot and I use it so often that it’s not worth to bring it to the basement. If it’s not used for cooking Dinner then a chicken broth is simmering. So there is always chicken stock in the freezer.

    1. Love my Instant Pot! Perfect for stock. We have a gourmet interest in food, but sometimes our results are anything but!

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