Surviving cancer and its aftereffects with cannabis

I’ll bet some of you are waiting to read more about great cannabis products! I will get to that very soon, but first I wanted to tell you a bit about being a two-time cancer survivor, since cancer is the reason I became a believer in medical marijuana.

In 1999, at age 43, I was diagnosed with a rare variation of ovarian cancer called Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC). I had a hysterectomy a few years earlier, and both of my ovaries were removed then. But with PPC, cancer shows up in the lining of the abdomen instead of the ovaries. PPC is considered virtually the same disease as ovarian cancer since the cells of the peritoneal lining develop from the same type of cell that lines the surface of the ovaries.

The cancer was advanced, and treatment was surgery to remove the tumors along with six months of chemotherapy. The treatment worked and since then, I have been what we in the cancer community call NED – no evidence of disease. But as most know, chemo takes a toll.

Chemo killed my appetite, and I started to lose a lot of weight. You’ve got to be strong to fight this disease, so not eating wasn’t helping my plan to survive. My doctor suggested marijuana, but we lived in South Carolina, where it was illegal in all forms. Lucky me, I had a friend who had a friend who had a cousin in North Carolina who once smoked dope, so my friend drove up there and got me some.

It was a risk, because my employer did random drug tests, but all I could think about was surviving. I hated smoking it, but it was instant relief. I’d be sick and miserable on the couch, and my husband would bring me a little joint to smoke. Pretty soon, I’d be like what’s for dinner? I gained back the weight I lost and stayed steady and strong throughout my treatment. I never got called for a random, and as soon as my treatment was over, I stopped using marijuana.

Sixteen years go by, and I’m living just fine without cannabis. It never occurred to me to use it, and I was always employed by companies that had drug policies anyway. In 2015, a routine mammogram revealed DCIS, a usually not-so-bad form of early stage breast cancer. Because of my history, they did the genetic test, and I was positive for the BRCA 1 gene mutation. Both of my cancers were caused by this mutation.

With the mutation, even DCIS is potentially more dangerous. Normal treatment would have been removing the lump and radiation, but my doctor said we needed to be aggressive, so I had a bilateral mastectomy. I chose not to have reconstruction and am a proud member of the Flat & Fabulous community. If you look at the picture above, it sort of appears I have nipples, but those are just lumps and bumps from scar tissue.

For me, the long-term effects of ovarian cancer are all related to having no estrogen. Other than a nasty scar, I’m not much worse for the wear – even though the chances of me living through it were slim. The breast cancer was far less of a threat to my life, but the long-term effects are much greater. You just don’t realize what happens to your body when they amputate your breasts and remove lymph nodes. For many of us, the pain and discomfort is persistent.

To relieve the pain, I tried physical therapy, massage and over-the-counter pain meds. All of it helped to some extent, but I was going for the holy grail. Shortly after I retired, I read an article about Kikoko Sympa-Tea, a new cannabis product high in CBD and low in THC. I’ll write more about my love affair with Kikoko and CBD in the coming weeks, but I’ll just say now it was a life changer. Cannabis cured the pain and helped in unexpected ways – anyone with anxiety?

Now that I’ve survived cancer twice, I’m all about enjoying life to its fullest. I was so afraid I would die young, but now I’m trying to figure out how to age badass!  All you cancer survivors out there –  stay strong and don’t give up hope. And anyone else who stumbled across this blog – I hope you will come back for some thoughts on how cannabis can improve your life.

The path to semi-early retirement

For many years, I was focused on working hard at my job and building my career. No regrets. Even after I had ovarian cancer at age 43, I was still full-speed ahead, and I was annoyed with anyone who even suggested I might want to retire someday. I wanted to be last man standing, the one who turns out the lights. One bad job later, and I was rethinking everything.

What made the job bad? I was treated with arrogant indifference by my boss and his cohorts, and I was bullied by one of his closest aides. Yes, it was just one job out of many great jobs I’ve had in my career, but the experience changed me. I think because of the way I grew up with a certain degree of indifference by my parents, I was expecting validation from work. I always got it because I was good at what I did. Take that away, and I felt empty. My problem, not theirs.

I made it out alive with my soul intact and went onto bigger and better things. I had a really good job and was making enough money to enjoy life’s many offerings, but I had so little time left over. While I was grateful to be earning a solid living, I was treated for breast cancer in 2015, discovering I was positive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation. It occurred to me if one has some degree of financial stability, perhaps time is more valuable than money.

My time was compromised by a long commute to my job in Silicon Valley – 2.5 hours roundtrip on a bus. A nice bus, for sure, but the ride certainly made for a long day. I was up at 4 a.m., at my desk by 6:30 a.m. and home around 5:30 p.m. if traffic cooperated. Clean up, eat dinner and pretty soon it was time to check emails and go to bed.

The bad job started the ball rolling, but it was a book that sealed the deal. As I was searching for ideas to help me live healthy in spite of the killer commute, I came across The Blue Zones Solution by Dan Buettner. Dan explores the nine countries where people live long and healthy lives, and guess what? They don’t live like us. It’s not like I’m going to move to Costa Rica or Okinawa, but reading about their lifestyles changed my perspective and helped me eat better, too. The recipes alone are worth the price of admission.

Then the voices in my head chimed in with some tough questions. How much money did I really need? When would there be enough? How else might I live my life? What creative pursuits had I abandoned over the years as I put all my efforts into my job? What else could I do? What if I retired with enough money to do whatever I wanted? To explore being a healthy, happy and creative person who works on her own terms? Would I find validation? Would it matter?

We had always been savers, so money, while always a concern, wasn’t the biggest issue. It was my attitude about money that changed. For the first time, I thought maybe there’s such a thing as enough money, and maybe you don’t have to forfeit the rest of your life in exchange for more.

For the next couple of years, my free time was all about planning for the day I could pull the plug, which I did in September 2017 at age 62. If you’re even thinking there’s life after work, you’ll be happy to learn I’ll be sharing some of my planning and money-saving tips on this blog. If you’re still all about the work, that’s OK, too. You just might find a few tips that will help you chart your own path to financial freedom!

Health, Happiness & Cannabis

My name is Donna Pekar. You can check out my About Me page for a quick read, but I thought I’d embellish it a little bit so you can learn more about the topics I’ll be exploring on this blog. I hope you will come along for the ride!

I’m a two-time cancer survivor, retired corporate communications executive, communications strategy consultant and U.S. Army veteran. Although I had a great career, I did not want to do it forever. I envisioned a different sort of life as I aged, focused less on the traditional trappings of success and more on health and happiness. With careful money management and a bit of good luck, I retired in September 2017 at age 62.

Retirement Confidential is my new blog about getting older and making the most of it! Not everyone can retire, and not everyone wants to. But we all age, and my stories are about the journey ahead. How can we age badass and stack the deck for a long, healthy and happy life?

My guiding principles are move more, eat well, look good, stay healthy, keep learning, use cannabis wisely and enjoy simple pleasures.

Perhaps some of my former business colleagues are reading this and going, who knew? Donna is a pothead! However, that is not the case. Although I tried marijuana when I was much younger, it was never my thing. With reluctance, I discovered the benefits of medical marijuana when I had ovarian cancer in 1999. I hated the idea of smoking anything, but smoking pot during chemo probably saved my life. Still, I happily gave it up after I got a clean bill of health and went back to work full speed ahead. I never missed it.

I discovered cannabis again after I retired and was desperate for something to help with long-term pain following a 2015 mastectomy to treat breast cancer. I got approved for using medical marijuana in California, where I live, and I began the great experiment. Cannabis cured the pain, and I’m delighted to have benefited in other unexpected ways. This time around, I learned you don’t have to smoke it, and moderation is key. You don’t have to get high. Sometimes it’s as simple as a cup of cannabis tea.

Seriously – I am as surprised as anyone that pot is part of my aging badass strategy. We’ll have to see what happens with the federal law, but for now, medical cannabis is legal in 29 states and the District of Columbia. And then there’s recreational …

I live in Northern California with Dale, my husband of 39 years. Originally from Southern California, I moved shortly after high school to make a living and see the world. I came back in 2013 for a job and we said, this is it! After moving 23 times over the course of our careers, we love it here and are happy to call it home. Our only baby is Riley, an extra-cute and super-fluffy Maine Coon mix. We are ferocious cooks and love to spend time outdoors.

P.S. Some of you may remember my former blog Rock the Silver, which ran from 2008-2013. Rock the Silver was about going gray with style. Thanks for finding me again! And oh, thank you for your patience as I work through technology challenges and continue to expand my social media presence.