#1: The Cannabis Coconut Oil 7-day Challenge

With all the fancy cannabis products out there, one simple solution for medicating might be overlooked. And that is cannabis-infused coconut oil. I wanted to explore how to use infused oil as medication, so I started this challenge. My goal is to find creative and simple ways to add a single dose of cannabis-infused coconut oil to foods I would eat anyway.

I started with something easy for breakfast. Peanut butter. I added a spoonful of peanut butter to a small bowl and stirred in 1/4 teaspoon of infused oil (you can melt it in the microwave if it has solidified). Spread on whole wheat toast. Ideal dosage varies, depending on your tolerance, what kind of high you are seeking and the potency of your cannabis. I’m a microdoser, so I want happy hints of pleasantness.

Delicious! It’s like coconut oil was made for peanut butter. It reminded me of tahini. I could not detect the taste or smell of cannabis, although I could taste some coconut. I love it, but you could reduce the coconut flavor by using refined coconut oil when you make the product.

Happy hints of pleasantness rolled in about 40 minutes after breakfast. It’s going to be a great day!

Medicating with cannabis-infused coconut oil

I tried a new way to medicate with cannabis, and I can’t wait to tell you about it. But first, a refresher about my previous experience with medical marijuana.

When I started using cannabis after I retired, I was excited to learn you don’t have to smoke it. I was mostly looking to relieve post-mastectomy pain. Cannabis worked, and it also helped with other things I didn’t expect, such as low-level depression and anxiety.

I love Kikoko tea, which comes in varieties to help with mood, pain, sleep and libido. The Tranquili-Tea for sleep is unparalleled, and the Sympa-Tea just makes me feel good and pain-free without being high. I also use a vape from time to time.

However, for daily use, I settled on a dropperful of tincture, which is basically cannabis-infused alcohol. I add it to juice. I made the tincture at home in my Magical Butter Machine with a strain of cannabis high in CBD, the non-psychoactive component in cannabis everyone is talking about. CBD works as an antidepressant and can reduce nausea, vomiting, seizures, anxiety and inflammation.

As I’ve become more comfortable using cannabis, I’ve experimented with other products. I recently wrote about making my own topical – a skin balm to treat pain. The base for making topicals is cannabis-infused coconut oil. Again, I made it myself using a strain of cannabis high in CBD. I had infused oil leftover after making the balm, so I put it in a mason jar and tucked it away in the pantry for safe keeping.

Then I started reading about cannabis-infused coconut oil and realized it might be the ultimate cannabis product, especially for older adults who may want the benefits of medical cannabis without all the drug paraphernalia. It’s the base for many recipes. You can cook with it, you can use it to make skin creams and you can eat it straight out of the jar.

I tried the infused oil today in coffee, and it was delicious. I wasn’t sure how much to add, so I used this calculator. I am somewhat of a lightweight when it comes to cannabis. As a microdoser, I only want to feel hints of pleasantness and perhaps the beginning of a smile. I know from trial and error that even 5 MG is too strong for me. After using the calculator, I concluded ¼ teaspoon of my infused coconut oil would come in at about 3.5 MG. Perfect! I felt great without feeling stoned.

I’m thrilled about the possibilities of cannabis-infused coconut oil. I’ve not been a big fan of edibles such as chocolate or gummies, because I don’t typically eat that kind of stuff. And I don’t want to cook with cannabis oil, because I think it would be difficult to control dosage and certainly don’t need a pan of brownies calling my name.

Adding a single dose of cannabis-infused coconut oil to something I would eat anyway seems like a pretty good way to medicate and not have to worry about taking too much. I can see this having tremendous benefits for people who are ill or don’t want to mess with smoking or vaping or hate the smell/taste of cannabis. I’m thinking it could replace my daily dropper of tincture.

Let’s test this out! I’m going to do a 7-day challenge. Starting tomorrow, I will medicate with cannabis-infused coconut oil – something new each day – and I’ll share the results. In the meantime, here’s the recipe I used for making my own oil. I used 1/2 ounce of cannabis, two cups of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of lecithin. If you don’t have a Magical Butter Machine, here’s a recipe for how to make it in a crock pot. Special thanks to Corinne at Wake and Bake for her inspirational and educational blog.

See you tomorrow!