Still rocking the silver

During my recent travels, one person said she loved the color of my hair and another said it’s too long and needs to be cut. I loved the positive feedback on my silver, although I’m in favor of other people dying their hair if they want to. However, the haircut comment got me thinking.

Maybe it’s time for a refresh, I thought. I wasted several hours looking online at new styles, and nothing spoke to me. Bobs, lobs, you name it. I even considered bangs. Then I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, and I said to no one in particular, “I fail to find anything wrong with my hair.”

Wow! Think of all the years many of us have spent loathing our hair and our bodies and everything else, only to arrive at a point of acceptance and satisfaction. I’ve had this style for several years now, and I think it suits me perfectly. I especially love that it’s low maintenance — an important consideration in retirement! Never say never, but I’m going to trust myself on this one and leave my hair alone.

By the way, I went gray about 10 years ago, and it didn’t seem to hurt my career in the slightest. I did blow it smooth when I was working, while now I’m a bit more bohemian. Gray or not, long or short, I say focus on what makes you happy and learn to tune out kindly suggestions that don’t meet your needs.

14 thoughts on “Still rocking the silver”

  1. My friend calls that “chrome” not silver or gray. I agree with the statement – focus on what makes you happy and learn to tune out kindly suggestions that don’t meet your needs.

  2. Good for you! You have beautiful hair. I, too, have long (mid back), thick hair that’s mostly grey, some white and still a bit of my natural color. Every once in a while I think about cutting it, but then remember how I hate sitting in the chair every six weeks and spending the time and money. When I first let it grow I thought I could braid it, but I appear to now have limited range of motion and can’t reach behind my head anymore.

    1. The chair every six weeks is what turns me off, too. Maybe play around with a side braid?

  3. You look great the way you do!
    My hair is the about the same like Sheila’s. Of course it’s possible to get a more “stylish” (hate that word) haircut. But you have to maintain it, what often means long dryblows, little pins when you go to the gym…and so on.
    No, just no. I’m always in a hurry, life doesn’t wait.

    1. The more “stylish” haircuts look good, but the first thing I think is, “That’s a lot of work.”

    1. Thanks for visiting! So glad you like silver — my husband does, too. I think women sometimes tend to judge other women. Points for use of fie in a sentence.

      1. You look great! It is beautiful. I hear these things too. Let mine go gray at 40 and I constantly get comments. It is one of the first things that I decided I did not care what other people thought. It is freeing!

        1. Nawm — it is so freeing! One of my golf partners said her daughter thought she looked older with gray hair, and my partner said, “I don’t care.” Me, neither.

  4. Hi… let mine go natural about 10 years ago also… I call mine platinum!!! At first every one thought I had highlights done!!! Some people think it makes me look older than I am… do I care? NOPE!!! Not in the least!!! Go with what makes u happy! Right now at 56 my platinum pixie makes me happy!

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