When a post goes missing

Some of you may have seen a post I wrote yesterday about sun protective clothing. The links got messed up and were giving me fits, so I ended up deleting the entire post. Of course, I should have saved it to reprint later, but that would have been too smart.

I’ll try and recreate the article, but I’m just not into it right now. I’m rather annoyed with myself and feeling kind of down about the state of the world. So many terrible, violent and racist things going on, and on top of it, sun protective clothing reminds me of global warming and all the people who refuse to believe it.

And in the face of all this, I wonder if anything I’m writing about is worthwhile. Maybe I write because it was a childhood passion, but the world has changed since then, and maybe my voice isn’t relevant. To my blogging friends, do you ever wonder about that? What keeps you going?

As far as the U.S. goes, Dale believes it will get better, but I have my doubts. I just can’t imagine our future if Trump is re-elected. I’m not going to move to another country, but I may have to hunker down, ignore the real world and enjoy my little bubble of a life. I might do that anyway.

Anyway, sorry to be so negative. I’m sure I will snap out of it, but that’s my explanation for the missing post.

12 thoughts on “When a post goes missing”

  1. Be negative for a bit but don’t quit. I need your posts. They always liven my day and my envy for your lifestyle knows no bounds. Your last post had a comment added about girls only being allowed to play half court basketball. That brought me back. How ridiculous was that?

    I’m hoping that people are pretty darned fed up with little white boys shooting people and will vote even if for that one issue. We have to work to get him and Moscow Mitch away from our democracy.

    1. Thanks, my friend. I’m getting over the negativity. Let’s hope you are right about people voting that man out of office.

  2. Please do repost the clothing. I checked out the sleeves, but now can’t remember which one’s they were. And please don’t stop posting. I, too, enjoy reading your blog.

  3. I enjoy your writing and nod my head in agreement many times. I read about the clothing and loved the hat. It will get better in the US because reasonable people are going to band together and get rid of trump. None of this, I didn’t get my way, I’m not going to vote. Chin up!!

  4. I agree that it could go either way with Trump. I would go to Canada if I qualified( very hard to immigrate there). I’m not sure where this incredible surreal place in America came from. Such hate for people of color. Maybe it’s always been there simmering. I can only hope it turns around in 2020.
    I think you should keep blogging if only to voice your thoughts. I go thru phases and post often and then not. I just do it for me. There’s no monetizing which when a blog starts doing that usually makes me lose interest.

    1. It is surreal. I don’t think Canada will take us — too old! Thanks for the vote to keep blogging.

  5. I’m a fairly new reader and I hope you find your way to continue writing. As for the recent post, I am a person who got a sunburn in Scotland! So I am delighted to have heard your recommendations for sleeves, etc., and I will definitely be buying some, especially for protection while driving. I just bought a similar OR hat at REI two weeks ago and am loving it. My dermatologist recommended that I get in the habit of wearing one, so I’ve put a little time this summer into exploring the world of hats. Bought a nice one at the local food co-op but I don’t think it has the sun protection of the one from OR. For what it’s worth, any sane person is in a funk right now. I’ve practically taken to my bed for the last few days, and I finally made it back to the pool today. Baby steps.

    1. Glad to hear you are taking care in the sun. I like wearing hats — don’t have to do anything to my hair. Thank you for the comment about any sane person being in a funk. Makes me feel less funky knowing I’m not alone. Baby steps … for sure!

  6. Hey, Donna, you have to keep going!! I need your posts to make me laugh!! I know how technical issues can be discouraging. I actually saw two versions of your clothing post so something worked. I don’t know what it will take to turn the country around. I’m tired of the divisiveness and wish all “in charge” would start focusing on the right things. It does make you wonder about our future.

    1. Hi, Linda. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m in! I agree about divisiveness and the need to focus on what matters. I think those in public office forget we pay their salaries.

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