My window friends

So far, I’ve stayed reasonably happy throughout the pandemic, mostly by cooking, creating art and playing golf. Now we have triple digit heat and rolling blackouts, and I’m thinking, what’s next? Locusts?

I can hang in the heat, but it really has been too hot to exercise outdoors unless you start quite early. Less golf means more time at home. Just me, Dale and the cat. At this point, I think we’re all looking forward to the day when we can take separate vacations.

Riley, our cat, is an indoor kitty. He likes to hang out by the front window and watch all the action. Two of the neighborhood cats visit periodically. The cats don’t show up at the same time, but both of them just sit outside and stare up at Riley. I call them his window friends.

One of the cats is a ginger. A boy, but so was Ginger Baker, so there. This little guy is quite friendly and has actually jumped up on our roof and stared at us through the upstairs window.

I don’t think Ginger likes it at his house, but then who would? Nice people but kind of noisy. Perhaps he would prefer the company of quiet misanthropes?

Maybe it’s the isolation catching up with me, but I like to pretend Riley is Gilligan, and his spot by the window is Gilligan’s Island. I keep telling him Ginger is coming to visit! We both get excited.

The other visitor is an adorable black and white tuxedo cat named Max. I call him the Professor. We’re still waiting for Mary Ann.

So, this is what it has come to. The dark side of the pandemic. However, there’s no escaping the harsh truth. The cat gets more visitors than we do, and I find myself parked by the window, wondering when they’ll be back.

4 thoughts on “My window friends”

  1. I live alone and no longer have a dog. I found myself talking to my Roomba….. “Where did you go? How did you get over there?” Nothing wrong with talking to cats!
    I may not be the best judge of sanity however.
    I very much enjoy reading your blog.

    1. I’m so happy to hear you like reading the blog. I would imagine there is worse company than a Roomba.

  2. What you need are lots of house plants (not necessarily the medicinal kind!). I talk to my plants. They are great listeners. Beats having to go out to a therapist in this heat!

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