Flat Earthers take cover

Riley, who has been on lockdown for five years. He believes in the science of being cozy.

I’ve been trying not to think about the state of the union, but that might prove to be impossible. Just as I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Joe Biden won the election, Trump and his cronies dug in deeper to spread misinformation about election security, and the man himself refuses to accept he lost. Oh, and purging non-loyalists, denying access to transition resources.

The list goes on, and all of it concerns me, a retired 65-year-old military veteran and non-radical citizen who just wants decent people representing us. Yes, I care about specific policies and lean left, but I’m OK with a diverse selection of elected officials as long as they are not amoral sociopaths. I’m looking at you, Donnie.

As I stewed over this train wreck of politics, it occurred to me I am trying too hard to look the other way. I’m getting better at intellectual distancing – in that I can think about the mess we’re in and not internalize it too much – and I believe it’s a sign I can absolutely pay attention and share my observations from time to time without going nuts inside.

Just because we’re getting older doesn’t mean we have to disappear quietly into that good night. There’s a lot to talk about … and plenty of room left for art, reading, golf, outdoors, cooking and all the other fun stuff that makes for a happy retirement! I very much appreciate your readership and hope you enjoy the balance of topics.

I wonder (not worry) about what’s next. I already feel better knowing Joe Biden will be our next president. We have a ton of social, medical and financial challenges, but the flat Earthers will have to take cover when science matters again, and we’ll have four years to see if we can turn this ship around.

It will not be easy. I miss pre-Trump Republicans. Some of them might have looked beyond their own agenda to do what’s right for America and her allies. Now I wonder how Trump’s sycophants will fare once the ex-president has faded from the scene.

People like Bill Barr, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell – they sold their souls. But perhaps there are others who will see the light once Trump isn’t looming over them like the grim reaper.

Call me crazy, but I’m feeling optimistic about the future.

6 thoughts on “Flat Earthers take cover”

  1. Well, yeah, but doesn’t it show a huge lack of integrity that they aren’t standing up for the country? And if they can be such suck-ups and sell-outs, how does that bode for the U.S. when the next demagogue rears his or her ugly head?

    Riley is a handsome guy who, I’m guessing, rules your house.

    1. You are right. Their lack of integrity is disgraceful. But I still look at how many people it took to take Trump down, and I’m hoping that’s a sign we are headed in the right direction. We shall see.

      Yes, Riley rules. So cute!!

  2. Oh, I meant to comment about dessert. I found an apple pie cheesecake recipe I hope will give me the best of both worlds. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

  3. I’m heartened by the response of state election officials, many of them Republicans, who were incensed at being accused of committing fraud. I’ve seen GOP officials from at least four states including PA who defended the process as nonpartisan and said Biden was clearly the winner. I was also pleased (?) to see the majority of the DC mega rally attendees appeared to be radicals rather than average Joe voters. I believe it gives me hope that even though he has his base, perhaps the majority of those 71m will accept and respect the new administration and we as a country can move forward together.
    And, yes, as a regular reader, I like the diversity of subjects you tackle on your blog!

    1. Bobi, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I sure hope you are right. It seems like most of us are tired of the chaos. I also appreciate your comment about the subjects I write about on the blog. It is a mishmash, but that seems to work.

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