Moving on

Hello friends,

I’ve decided to shut down Retirement Confidential. I’ve enjoyed sharing this space with you, and I’ve learned a lot from your insights. Thank you for being part of my blogging journey.

As it happens, I love my life but no longer feel the need or desire to write about it. There’s something to be said for just enjoying the moment, and that’s what I plan to do. I may try my hand at other writing projects. Or maybe not. We’ll see what happens.

Again, thanks for all your support!


21 thoughts on “Moving on”

  1. Donna, you will be very much missed but I completely understand. Life isn’t static. You made life so enjoyable for us; thank you for that. I haven’t commented lately as I’ve been focused on rehabilitating my long lost left leg after a very successful hip replacement. It’s been a life changer. Leg pain gone and pain after surgery has been minimal, but restless leg syndrome and having to sleep on my back with a pillow between my legs takes its toll in sleeping poorly. Now it’s just getting the hip and leg strong again and getting to the point when I can sleep on my side again. My PT says low and slow is the best way to achieve the best ultimate end result. He’s the best so I’ll follow his lead regardless of wanting to “be there now!”

    Once again, thank you for your posts, your art, for giving us a more interesting perspective on retirement than other ‘retirement’ blogs or newsletters. All the best to you.

    1. Nanci — I’m so glad you commented, if only to let me know how your hip replacement surgery went! I’ve been wondering. Sounds like a huge success. I’m so happy for you.

      Thanks for the well wishes.

  2. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and hearing your outlook on life. There’s a lot of humor in what you write, and I have gotten new insights out of what you have written. Best of luck in the future!

  3. Shut down? Retirement Confidential? Well I hate that! It’s been great being able to tag along on this life after work trip. As far as enjoying the moment – I believe it was the philosopher F. Bueller that said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

    1. That’s a great quote! Thanks for your comment. I’m ready to just look around for a bit.

  4. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that you are shutting down your blog. You are a wonderful writer, Donna. Love your wit, your honesty, and your incisive commentary on so many topics. I will miss reading your words. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us — hope to see you elsewhere online in the future!

  5. Donna, I will certainly miss reading your blog. Your comments about life and relationships were spot on, and were often filled with great humor and wit. I only wish I had found your blog years ago. I send you best wishes for continued good health, joyful hobbies, and wonderful adventures with Dale. Cheers to the journey! And…if you decide to come back to blogging, I will be here. 😉

  6. Hey Donna, thanks for your many blog posts over the years. You have a wonderful sense of humour and a great way with words. I’ll miss your posts but I wish you and Dale all the best moving forward.

    Derek in Ottawa.

  7. Donna, I will miss your blog. It was refreshing to say the least. Best wishes to you & Dale.

  8. You were one of my first blogging friends and I can’t imagine not reading your amusing posts anymore. I still use your mayonnaise recipe!!

    As my posting frequency decreases, I can completely understand. There are so many other ways to spend our time. But I will miss you.

  9. Well, that’s definitely a bummer. I loved reading about your art and cooking projects, your golf games (even though I don’t golf) and all the life adventures you have shared. You’ll be missed.

  10. Donna –
    I will miss reading your blog. I have enjoyed your tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, your honesty and seeing your artwork. However, having recently started a blog, I certainly understand the time commitment. Thank you for sharing part of your retirement journey and I wish you and Dale the very best as you move forward!

  11. I am sorry that you are shutting down your blog but I also completely understand. Blogging has introduced me to some wonderful writers and friends but I’d be lying if I said that stopping never occurred to me too. Enjoy your retirement, your life, and your freedom! I’d love to see you around “these parts” now and then but I understand if that doesn’t happen.

  12. My first thought, noooo! Then I thought, of course you need to do what the right thing is for you. I’ll miss your humor greatly. Thanks for the fun Donna!

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