My new Scrabble mask!

Sporting my new Scrabble-themed mask as I head to the library for curbside pick-up.

Thanks to my exceptionally kind and talented sister, I am feeling quite stylish in my new Scrabble mask. I thought it would be fun to wear as I go to the library today for curbside pick-up of a book I had on reserve.

I don’t have a problem wearing a mask for my personal safety and the safety of others, and I have a hard time understanding those who do. Whatever it takes … that’s my thinking. Embrace reality and try not to disrespect the people who are trying to save us.

It seems like I’ve mentioned this before, but I will share it again. When I had cancer the first time, my chemotherapy regime was hard on the kidneys. My medical team said to drink a lot of water. So, you know what I did? I drank a lot of water.

When I talked with other women in the infusion room, I’d ask if they were drinking their water. It shocked me how many said no. One common response was, “I don’t like water.”

I wanted to scream, “This is your life! Who cares if you don’t like water?”

Anyway, pardon the commercial interruption. Be safe. May you continue to find joy in simple pleasures … even if it’s just a Scrabble mask.

2 thoughts on “My new Scrabble mask!”

  1. Love the new mask, Donna. I’ve got one too, to wear out. No problem at all wearing it, if it protects others.
    I’ve never understood people who don’t follow doctors’ advice to get healthier. And yes, I’ve heard the excuses too, that they don’t like the advice so aren’t going to follow it.
    I also don’t understand not liking water. It’s the first thing I crave to drink, when thirsty. But there’s plenty that don’t like water and need to doctor it up (usually with something sweet) to make it palatable. To me it’s the same as saying you don’t like breathing oxygen.


    1. I love your water-oxygen theory! I suspect I’ll be wearing masks for quite some time, and I’m OK with it.

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