Learning to jump

It’s hard to process what has been happening. I have few words. Earlier in the week, I had something all written up about Trump’s call to Georgia’s Secretary of State, thinking that was the new low. I thought, this is what crazy sounds like. Before I could hit publish, there was another new low.

Looks like a race to the bottom. And now we know what crazy looks like.

And so, I try to stay calm. I was never good at meditation. I tried when I was first diagnosed with cancer 21 years ago, but I always fell asleep! Several years ago, I found a free app with guided meditations and used to do them on the bus as I commuted to work. I pulled up the app yesterday and did a 20-minute session.

The guided meditation helped. The one I use is called Sattva. Although, I confess, a few naps have been equally satisfying. Just another way to tune out.

In the midst of all this, my sister-in-law reports her sister is no longer speaking to her because of a row they had over Trump. What a coincidence! My sister is not speaking to me because I was rude when she called to warn me accidents and illnesses are befalling everyone she knows.

Dale is still speaking to me, but he blocked Nancy Pelosi.

Blog anniversary

This week marks three years since I started Retirement Confidential. In the beginning, I had a little freelance gig lined up with a former colleague who owns her own consulting business and thought I would expand that over time. But then she unexpectedly dropped me like a hot potato, and I realized I was done working for other people anyway.

My biggest motivator was always money, and it took some time for me to stop worrying too much about it. I collaborated with our financial planner, and we agreed we had enough saved to fund our retirement (coupled with Dale’s pension and Social Security). We have a conservative portfolio that under normal conditions helps us sleep at night.

A pandemic and attempted coup kind of messes with sleep. However, we are hopeful the money will last.

Once I stopped worrying about cash flow, it’s surprising how quickly I lost my desire to do much more than entertain myself with simple pleasures. Retirement is great! I enjoy writing about the journey, and I love hearing your stories.

I’m not sure where the road will take us. It’s one hurdle after another, but I’m learning to jump. Aside from the current drama, perhaps a good goal is to enjoy a long and healthy life doing the things that bring us happiness.

14 thoughts on “Learning to jump”

  1. Thank you for writing this post! You are learning to jump, and I need to take notes about that because mostly I’ve been sulking. I’m in the middle of a delicious read but I can’t concentrate on it because of all the shenanigans this week. I’m giving myself the rest of today to sulk/worry, then I’m playing trivia on zoom this evening with family. Tomorrow is my deadline to get back to normal.

    1. I’m still in a bit of a sulk/worry. I like your idea of setting a deadline for returning to normal.

    1. We certainly do keep being surprised by how low and how bad it can get. Just when we think it is as bad as it can get, the crazy person in the White House pulls something else.

      I have said for a few weeks now that I would not be surprised to see Trump step down, before his term is up, so Pence could become President long enough to give Trump a Presidential pardon. Now it is looking more likely that his counterparts might try to use the 25th amendment to put him out of office, which would also set Pence up to be able to pardon Trump of “whatever” he may have done. And while I think that would be totally unfair, it might not be the worst thing. Dragging Trump and the country through long, drawn out, and costly, lawsuits that would probably serve to make him some kind of martyr in the eyes of the crazy people who follow him. And who knows what they might attempt! So that would probably be worse than seeing him pardoned.
      The inauguration cannot come soon enough for me.

      1. So many scenarios to consider! I don’t think his ego will let him resign, although it would be welcome. I agree we don’t need to be dragged through more of this. My husband said the same thing you said — it would fire up the whackos. Even if Pence does pardon him. Fine by me. Any kind of pardon is only for federal offenses. New York State is definitely coming after him. He owes Deutsche Bank something like $400M. He’s not supposed to live at the Lago, so Palm Beach may file suit. Georgia has some complaints. I don’t like Melania any better, but if I were her, I’d dust off the pre-nup and get the money while he still has it.

        Every day is one step closer to inauguration!

  2. I realized this morning that I’m actually grieving as a result of this week’s horrors. Full on grieving. And from what I’m reading, shockingly, it may not be over yet.

    But inquiring minds must ask, why did Dale block Pelosi? 😃

    1. I agree this probably isn’t over yet.

      As for Dale, I guess I should have made that clear, but maybe I subconsciously left it vague for the intrigue factor! We both gave money to the Democrats during the election, and now we get non-stop texts and emails from a variety of players. He just got tired of all the texts from Nancy. Another way of tuning out.

  3. I’m feeling irritable today and at loose ends.Somethings up.More to come.It’s frightening.That said, my right brained self says “What can I DO?” Not much.

    So,I find solace in my kitchen.It is my happy place. I made a Red Lentil Soup. A loaf of homemade while grain bread. Some Red Clam Sauce for linguini,tomorrow.Our son is coming to dinner.He’s had a Covid test.We’re good!

    I expect more bloodshed.More grief . Our country is obviously going through its decline. It is hard to see, to watch., to be a part of. As the world turns,I still have my health and my family to watch out for. I pray.I meditate.I try to spread kindness where I can—although with Covid, I don’t GO anywhere,so I am spreading it around.. my own home..i guess..

    Strange times.

    One of my spiritual teachers said “For the forest to be green, the trees must be green..”Right now I am working on just keeping myself GREEN..” It is my locus of control.

    1. I love your comment. I’m with you on the grief but also the self-care, cooking. I really love the quote about the trees being green. I will remember this. Thank you.

  4. I just hit my three years of blogging too. I’m not writing as much these days and sadly, reading other blogs even less. I hope I can get back to something resembling normal in 2021. We’ll see.

    1. Hang in there — we all have cycles, and I think it’s must a matter of weathering the storm. Your blog is great!

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