Undyed and loving it

Manchego and Chorizo Muffins

Whilst relaxing outside with a beer after a round of golf, one of the women noticed I got my hair cut. I took off my hat to show her the full effect, and she was surprised by all the gray. She liked it and said it was pretty, and then one of the perpetual blondes at the table said she wasn’t ready to go there yet.

Go where? To the land of the undyed, where we are forced to walk the Earth looking our age? I’ve heard others say they are too vain or they aren’t ready to give up. I’m plenty vain, but for me, it’s more about the complete package than simply the color of my hair.

I actually believe I look better than I ever have, and just so you know, my prefrontal cortex is kinda hot, too.

Putin on the blitz

Not to take anything away from the Ukrainians, but I’m having a hard time with Russia. Not the people, of course, but I am so angry with Putin. Our planet is dying, the world has suffered through a pandemic – more than 5 million people dead – and just as it looks like we might be getting a break – all he can do is think about killing some more? For a land grab?

I know the whole thing is more complicated than that, and Dale, an amateur military historian, would be more than happy to explain it to me in excruciating detail. However, one more Hitler documentary, and this marriage is over!

Oh, and let’s not forget about all the fucktards who have cozied up to this sociopath over the past years and still have trouble saying anything bad about him. And it’s not just Trump, either. If I’ve learned anything over the past two years, it’s that I know nothing, but I’m thinking the lovefest with Putin has got to be about money. When all else fails, follow the money.

While I’m not a religious person, I join those of you in praying for peace and hoping there’s a way out of this mess.

Savory Baking

I absolutely positively did not need another cookbook, but I’m weak that way. I purchased The Savory Baker by the folks at America’s Test Kitchen.  I was still debating what to try first, when Dale flipped through it and said he was smitten with the idea of Manchego and Chorizo Muffins. It’s actually the first recipe in the book, so I’m guessing he didn’t flip too far. Still, hat’s off to Dale keeping it simple.

The muffins include a variety of flavor bombs, including Manchego cheese, Spanish chorizo, fresh parsley, jarred red peppers and sour cream. I made them yesterday, and we reheated them for breakfast this morning. All I can say is yum.

Next will be Jalapeño Cheddar Scones. But then we would eat jalapeño cheddar dragon poop.

Adventures of a gentlewoman cannabis farmer

I took a break from growing cannabis, because it seemed like we had plenty, but it’s kind of like wine in a box – it goes fast. I started an indoor plant from seed this week, and it will soon be time to buy a clone in an attempt to successfully grow a plant outdoors. Last year’s clone didn’t make it – not enough sun in the flower bed – so this time I’m growing it in a pot in the middle of the yard. That should maximize sunnage.

Although I do imbibe, my favorite use for cannabis is for balm, which is featured on my downloads page. It’s a little miracle cream for all parts achy. You can buy the commercial product where it’s legal, but it is more expensive than making it yourself. I am not a fan of CBD-only products. If they work for you, or that’s all you can get, who cares? But I have found products made with the whole plant to be more effective.

I attended a cannabis education program when I first retired, and I see the same folks are offering an online course to earn a budtender certificate. OK, so I don’t want to be a budtender, because that looks too much like work, but maybe I’d like to know what they know? Let’s just say I have a learning orientation.

The self-paced course might keep me from ruminating on all the gloom and doom. I mean, I know that’s what Jalapeño Cheddar Scones are for, but every little bit helps.

23 thoughts on “Undyed and loving it”

  1. I’m also undyed and loving the ease and simplicity. Although I reserve the right to change my mind at anytime on the whole undyed thing, so far I’m good with what nature has sent. Then again…I do have a salon appointment this week…so stay tuned! 😀

    And YUM to those muffins!

    1. My hairdresser, who is actually a colorist, said don’t ever ask me to dye your hair! Hope your appointment goes great.

  2. I just love all of your blog posts and today was no exception. I’m quite happy that you found a great post-pandy hairdo and I for one would like to see pictures. I also got a new cut when I could go back to the hairdresser again, and I went au-naturale about 6 years ago, so, I’m with you there.
    Couple of decades ago when I was struggling with existential questions I dreamt that there was a small plowed garden with rows of daffodils. The garden also had rivulets of blood. My take-away from that was that there is pain in the world, but also daffodils. And it seems that it has always been true. And now I know what to call people who consort with evil – fuckturds. Somehow satisfying since previously the only word I had was boo-boo-head.
    Thank you.

    1. Blood and daffodils — somehow that works!

      Although I wrote fucktards with an a, I’m kind of loving fuckturds with a u. There’s room for both, which are good upgrades from boo-boo head. But I applaud you for keeping it sweet!

  3. My hair, post chemo, is coming in 100% light gray. Beforehand, I would have been that woman who wasn’t ready to “go there,” but I’m here – with gray hair and happy about it. Also married to an engineer/historian. Haha! Love your blog. Hate Putin.

    1. My post-chemo hair came in gray. I dyed it for a couple of years and then decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. If your hair is growing, you must be on the mend. Congratulations!

      So funny about the historians we live with.

  4. Oh my! (said a la George Takei) to those muffins. They look and sound simply gorgeous 🙂

    Yup, I have one of those historians too 🙂 I’ve taken to reading through the endless “you’ll find this interesting” YouTubes – except in the last week, because he’s unearthed some very sound military and political analysis. The wall-to-wall news though, that has me raging. Mostly at those responsible – for we have many here in the UK who have also grabbed greedily at the tainted money, but also with irresponsible and amateur reporters demonstrating their lack of knowledge and expertise every time they open their mouths. Fortunately there are a small number who shine, but the rest simply demonstrate how far the fine art of journalism has fallen.

    Sorry for the rant. Should have stuck to your baking.

    1. My husband was immersed in those videos until yesterday, when he decided he can’t take anymore. I’m a journalism major, and I couldn’t agree more with your assessment.

  5. Went natural 13 years ago at age 56….now 69….have never looked back. I think dyed hair on people my age makes people look older. But it’s an individual choice.

    1. I agree it’s an individual choice. I just wish they could find a different way to express their preference. I really hate hearing, “I’m not ready to go there yet.” Like where I am is worse than where you are. I’m also with you about dyed hair not necessarily making us look younger.

  6. As you remember Donna, we both rocked the silver about the same time. Here I see very blond very old ladies, but I really loathe a mans dyed hair. Our neighbour is dark brunette which tends to get a red shine in the sun…

    Putin’s war of aggression already brought about 1 Mio of ukrainian women, children and elderly into the EU. People are permitted to take their pets with them. So we see all those cats in backpacks, little girls with their hamster in a bag. I can only speak for our country, but the helpfulness is huge.
    I find it sad though, that people here are getting attacked for being russian. Russian Shops and Restaurants are getting boycotted.

    And if that’s not enough, there is another fraction in my spine, which gave me pain out of the hell for weeks. It’s a bit better now, but I still wait for a MRT.

    1. Barbara — I’ve been thinking about you and all my friends in the EU. How frightening it must be. It does sound like there’s a lot of humanitarian support for the Ukrainians, but I’m sad about the backlash on Russians. It’s not their fault.

      I’m so sorry to hear about the fracture in your spine. Whatever the cause, back pain sucks, and I wish you a speedy recovery!

  7. We have much in common. I can’t stop buying cookbooks, my husband also loves those WW2 documentaries and I am UN dyed. I used box color for years, but that dark color of my youth looked less and less flattering..I did not have the stamina for the skunk look then the two toned thing, TILL COVID! I took a year and just did it and I believe I look younger and more attractive as a “natural.” I do have plenty of friends who are “not ready” and I can respect that.. but natural sure looks and feels good !

    Hair color thoughts do seem frivolous during this stressful time and I am with you on Putin.. how can such evil exist? Why can’t he be stopped?? I believe he will be and I believe it will be from within his inner circle..I have a political astrologer friend who sees the downfall of Russia right there in front of us.. and Putin’s ending.

    I actually believe the younger generation of Russians wants peace as well. Time to step aside and let the younger generations EVERYWHERE get their foothold ..
    old white men are over and out. That’s what my astrologer says.. a global sea change is in the works..

    Anyhoo.. love your posts. Hearing of your regular golf dates encourage me to get up off the couch..I have become sedentary and not exercising as much as I need to. A certain “ennui” has set in. Rough times. Maybe I need a chocolate chip scone.

    1. What is it with men and WWII documentaries?

      I agree the darker color of our youth doesn’t necessarily make us look better. My lighter color suits my skin tone, as it has evolved over the years.

      Interesting perspectives from the astrologer, both in terms of Putin’s demise and younger people getting their foothold. I’ve actually wondered if someone close to him might do the deed. Either way, I like the idea of a global sea change.

      I’m mentally sedentary and kind of in a funk, but exercise keeps me sane.

  8. I could never go back! The hair is who I am. In fairness tho, the getting here was not fun even as a shirt haired person so on some level I appreciate not wanting to be half and half for six months. Ukraine is the start only which is scary so I di what I can part of which is praying abunch.

    1. The growing out part wasn’t fun. I would tell myself I was like a cat with a coat of many colors.

      Plenty of things to be scared of, indeed. And yes to praying a bunch.

  9. “The Savoury Baker”? Oh, I am so tempted to pick up yet another cookbook. Those muffins look amazing.
    I stopped colouring my hair with permanent dye several years ago. I have white hair that frames my face and salt and pepper everywhere else. I find this look alternately jarring and boring so I have been playing around with temporary dyes in pink, purple and blue. It makes me laugh and helps me pass the time until my hair goes fully white (fingers crossed it does, and SOON). Good luck with this year’s harvest, Donna!


    1. Your wild colors are fantastic. I asked my hairdresser about something like that, and she said they’d fade fast due to the swimming.

  10. My last color was one month before Covid shutdown (Feb. 24, 2020 to be exact) and I don’t miss the upkeep at all. I had a cut a couple of weeks ago and the stylist said that she just cut off the last of my blond tips. Weirdly, my natural color seems quite dark to me. I have gray throughout, but it’s mostly brown.

    I’ve been wondering about CBD-only products. I remember back in the day how smoking pot made me very tired. That seems a way more effective sleep aid than CBD gummies. I may have to re-think that.

    Good rant, I’m as angry as you are. I’ve sent money to Ukrainian charities but I’m not sure what else I can do.

    1. If you live where it’s legal, you might try some cannabis edibles for sleep. The dispensary should have some good recommendations. Kikoko makes some nice low-dose products to sleep.

  11. I convinced my wife to try going “natural” a few years ago. She was quite hesitant but ended up following through and it looks great. Based on all the comments I didn’t realize the powerful forces at work that make it a tough decision in the female world.

    Does Dale read? I got back into reading a few years ago and grumblingly bought a Kindle. Turns out I like it a lot (save for propping stuff up or swatting insects…) compared to regular books. I have found a lot of good authors in historical fiction and some WWII spy stuff. Shout out if you think he would like that I will suggest some great authors.

    We took a trip to Cali last fall. Carmel By the Sea, some hiking, drove down 101/Big Sur, spend a few days in Paso Robles doing wine tours. Went into a dispensary and bought some products home to compare to our stuff from Shaman (no THC here). Gummies and liquids for relax/sleep were, to me, a tie. But the cream for aches/pains/pills was definitely more effective with the THC. You talked about this a few years ago, or sometime, about the synergy effect of having the THC present. Very noticeable for the cream…

    1. Sorry for the delay in responding. Your comment went to the spam folder.

      I love that you convinced your wife to go gray. My husband loves my color. As you noted, it’s quite the decision for many women.

      Dale mostly reads non-fiction. Lots of military history. Science. He occasionally reads science fiction and recently read a couple of the Game of Throne books. However, he stopped reading them because he said they were too depressing. I like some historical fiction. Would love to hear any reading recommendations you have.

      I can’t believe someone actually remembered what I wrote about the synergy effect of THC. There are so many different cannabinoids, and unlike people, they work better together. I haven’t tried any of the CBD-only products. Interesting that you called a tie on edibles.

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