Ugly shoes and lazy entertainment

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I worked for a gas and electric utility and was in charge of planning a year-long celebration of the company’s 150th anniversary. My boss’s boss was something of a terror and legend, and we were summoned to brief her on our progress.

I had this fat binder with notes, plans, drafts – all organized with plastic tabs. These were pre-technology days, at least for me.

The boss and I sat in big boss’s big office at the top of our high-rise, where she fired question after question. I flicked through tabs and answered every inquiry. I knew my shit, and I was en fuego. My boss looked pleased.

Then big boss paused. Took a deep breath and looked down at my feet. “Donna,” she said, “Wherever did you get those ugly shoes?”

I mumbled something about them being in style, but of course, they weren’t. I’ve always had a penchant for ugly shoes. Thick soles! Chunky heels! Oxfords! Clogs! Man repellers.

And so it would appear in retirement, I haven’t lost my touch. I usually wear Crocs or Birkenstocks around the house. The rest of my shoe wardrobe is pretty much more Birkenstocks and Keen. 

Although I’m stingy with my retirement dollars, I shelled out $50 for the Hoka Recovery Slide. These things are heavenly, especially after a really long walk. Better arch support than my Birkies and just super comfortable all around. It actually never occurred to me they were ugly until Dale said something.

Yeah, OK, they’re ugly. The thing is, he knows I don’t care. And really, he doesn’t care either. Just an opinion, like so many others, he feels the need to share … and I feel compelled to ignore.

Lazy Entertainment

While I do get plenty of exercise, I also enjoy lazy retirement entertainment. I just started watching the original Deadwood series, which is free on Amazon Prime. I’m hooked on it now, although South Dakota in 1876 was dark, violent and lawless. I like to think the universe led me to this show so I could compare and contrast and realize things today aren’t as bad as they seem.

I started watching Deadwood because I heard about the new HBO movie and wanted to see the original before I went down that path. I also heard some cast members playing songs on Sirius Outlaw Country. The song Katie Cruel sung by Karen Dalton absolutely blew me away.

Dale started watching a YouTube channel called AvE, in which a foul-mouthed Canadian tears apart electronics to see if they’re worthy. I got sucked in because I could hear Dale snorting over there, and well, you know, he had me at snort. It doesn’t seem like anything I would care for – I know nothing about electronics – but the guy is hilarious.

Oh, and Tanya Harding won Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition. She seemed vulnerable and likable, and I am happy for her. May there be redemption for us all.

4 thoughts on “Ugly shoes and lazy entertainment”

  1. Ugly or practical/functional? I’m more into function than form and sometimes fashion statements are lost to me. Deadwood is one of my all time favorites. It was a study in civic planning and social history back in those days. Men came to mine gold and Swearengen and Bullock mined the miners! I liked how the influence of women was portrayed regardless of class. I often use the phrase – get the peaches – when a family discussion is called for around here. And the soundtrack! I haven’t done any real research but I wouldn’t mind a copy of that soundtrack. I’ve been to Deadwood; unfortunately it was prior to the tv series. I think I would see it with new eyes if I were to go there again after seeing the series.

  2. Wear comfortable shoes, and don’t care what anyone thinks, Running shoes with a suit? Yes that is me these days.

    1. Hi David! I love the fashion statement of running shoes with a suit. Perfect.

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