My dream job

I spoke with a former colleague this week, and he had nothing good to say about work. I tried to listen and be supportive, but the whole time I was thinking how happy I am to be done with all that.

The thing is, when I was into it, I was into it. I was paid well and am still reaping the benefits of long-term compensation. For the most part, I enjoyed the work and loved being a leader. I could have stayed a couple more years, but I had already had cancer twice, I was getting older and wanted a healthier lifestyle that wasn’t all about work.

I started visualizing the future, and then a couple of bad bosses and ridiculous expectations set me on the path to retirement, which might be the best thing that ever happened to me. I love being retired!

These days I do have a job – live well, stay healthy and be happy. You could say it’s my dream job.

The job is evolving. When I first retired, I experimented with arts and crafts. I might dabble from time to time, but it just didn’t stick. I’m surprised to discover I don’t care much about fashion or style. I did when I was working, but that was all part of the game. Now I dress for comfort and convenience.

When I dress, I think, could I wear this later if I go for a walk or hit balls on the driving range or would I have to change clothes? Mostly I wear stretchy things that go anywhere. And running shoes. Even though I don’t run. Supportive. Good for my back, my knees. Ready for action.

I sometimes thought of myself as a role-model for aging well, but that seems arrogant. I would like to go back and delete some of the content I’ve written I now see as preachy. I’m focused on just loving my life, doing the best I can with what I have and throwing it all out there for others to read about.

As my thinking evolves, I expect the blog to evolve as well. I haven’t decided exactly what I’ll do just yet, but I see changes coming. I’m probably going to ditch the word badass in my tagline. I feel great, but I don’t feel badass.

My topics are likely to focus on the core things that excite me. I’ve occasionally ranted about politics, but I’m not continuing down that path. Ditto for advice on retirement planning. And while golf is a big part of my life, I don’t write about it much because I don’t think it’s of interest to many people. I also walk and swim, but so what? Not much to say about that.

The things I love that readers also seem to care about are food, cooking, cannabis, crime fiction and funny stories about relationships.

I’ll give some thought to reorganizing the blog around these focus areas. I’m inclined to leave all the old content there, even though I don’t like some of it anymore, because it does reflect my journey. Gotta figure out a way to share stories about cooking and food without pretending to be a food blogger. Finally, I like to keep my word count under 700 and will be more diligent to keep it tight.

Anyway, that’s where I am on this Super Bowel Sunday. Dale and I don’t care for football, but we’re thinking about food anyway … keeping with the party theme. We have leftover roasted chicken, and I’m voting for Dale’s killer chicken tortilla soup. I’ll make an appetizer of baked cheddar olives wrapped in a flaky pastry dough.

Oh, and beer! We’re currently featuring Panic IPA in the kegerator. That’s my artwork on the door. My talent knows no limits.

16 thoughts on “My dream job”

  1. Do you read true crime? I like true crime, but limit it. Too much true crime can make you think everyone is a serial killer.

    1. I think I have a true crime book on my Kindle you recommended, but I haven’t read it yet. It’s not really my usual genre. In fiction and in real life, I avoid serial killers.

  2. I enjoy observing the journey around retirement. I have been retired for 6 years now and my thinking had changed in a multitude of ways. I need less, I use less and those decisions haven’t necessarily been prompted by financial restrictions. Things are less important and connections with family and friends are most important. Your remarks about how your thoughts have changed really resonated with me. As my brother in law frequently says “Retirement, best job in the world and the best boss!”

    1. I feel the same way about needing less and using less. It’s just a great stage of life. I’m glad you’re enjoying the journey.

  3. Yeah, I prefer killing out of greed or passion to psycho killers. They’re kind of a cop out in books and on TV. I am watching football. It’s kind of refreshing to watch and not really care who wins. Kind of rooting for the most attractive quarterback. And the commercials can be amusing. Okay, was Super Bowel on purpose?

    1. Exactly. I’m all about complex family dramas, greed and passion, but psycho killers turn me off. I like the idea of watching football and not caring who wins, except I don’t really get the lure of football. I definitely support your most attractive quarterback strategy. Did you know Mark Harmon was a quarterback? I played golf with a woman who’s last name was Harmon. I said, “Like Mark?” She laughed and said women always ask about Mark, but men always associate the name with Butch. Anyway, yes, it was on purpose. Thank you for noticing.

  4. Dear Donna – I am going to appoint you unofficially my mentor as my (male) friend quit the job, he decided I did not need one – what would he know! I hope you can cope with the responsibility! Yesterday we celebrated Ground Hog Day, here in deepest, darkest South Devon, no ground hogs hereabouts but plenty of squirrels and they tell me Spring WILL be early. The Heliotropes are out about two months early.

    1. I hope the heliotropes and the ground hog are correct. I’m looking forward to an early Spring. As for mentoring, I’ll do my best, although be forewarned. My company assigned me a mentee once, and I spent a lot of time with her, mostly on the phone talking about her career options. After a year, she said, “Donna, you’ve given me lots of great advice. I haven’t used any of it, but it was good.”

  5. It is funny sometimes to see what our readers like the most. I am always surprised. Keep doing what you’re doing. I love your posts!!

  6. Trying to decide the niche of your blog can be complex. Or it can be micro-focused, which, in my opinion is the wrong way to go. I just let my blog go dormant because of the focus being too narrow and have started another blog, one that will be able to expand in topics.

    I’m not so sure I think of my blog as a dream job though, although it has many of the attributes for one. It feels more of a platform I use to exercise my compulsion to write.

    I look forward to what you come up with for your future posts, Donna.

    1. The blog is definitely not my dream job, although I enjoy it, and it adds another dimension to my life. Like you, it’s about my compulsion to write and connect with readers. The whole thing about a niche is frustrating. I’m kind of all over the map, and part of me wants to narrow the focus. But then, as you said, it gets too narrow. Maybe I’m over-thinking this. Just write?

  7. Really enjoy your blog and sense of humor. I’m close to retirement and your stories always give me hope that I will find my way in retirement, too. I used to read your blog when it was about going gray and loved that one, too. I say keep writing about whatever interests you.

    1. Nice to hear from another Donna … they’re not making new ones anymore. Thank you for finding me from Rock the Silver! And thanks for the words of encouragement to just keep writing about whatever interests me. That’s probably all I need to do.

  8. I enjoy your blog! I wouldn’t worry about deleting old content.. who remembers?? As you grow and change in retirement, I enjoy following along with your adventures. I also loved my job when I worked, and don’t miss it all now that i am retired! I found a great meet group of artists I hang with,I play cards and Mexican train with 3 neighbors,twice a month,I volunteer with kitties at Petsmart, and the rest of the time I read (a LOT!) do library dates and nature hikes with my husband, day trips with gal pals all over Arizona, I love to cook, and I dabble at writing.. retirement is a joy you can’t really explain to anyone..and form all the blogs i read there are all KINDS of retirements…. so it’s fun to read about them all..the overly traveled crowd exhausts me,though..We have found we do9 NOT travel as much as we thought we would! We do some, but I seem to enjoy USA trips more than far away trips—and 2-3 night getaways are my favorite. Thanks for sharing..will keep reading as you make changes….. yes,tell us about the books you’re reading!!!

    1. Thank you so much for the reinforcement! I have probably over-thought this, but I guess learning to go with the flow is part of the retirement journey as well. Your retired life sounds fantastic! We’re not much into travel, either.

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