Ambition is overrated

In my About Me profile, I wrote:

I like to play golf, walk, swim, cook, read, write, watch TV, listen to music, make art and grow cannabis.

And you know, that pretty much sums it up. I never imagined I’d arrive at this place, but I might be devoid of ambition. Although I was fairly successful in my career, success comes with baggage I no longer wish to carry. That could all change, but during this phase of my retirement, it’s rather pleasant to dabble in what amuses me and be free of expectations and judgment.

While I may be voted the girl least likely to do anything memorable, I’m enjoying simple pleasures that escaped me as I scrambled up the ladder at work. For example, I’ve been playing golf for about 25 years, and I’ve never enjoyed it more than I do now.

For years, I felt every swing was being judged. Every mistake was a failure of catastrophic proportions. Now I just play to play, and I am a much better golfer without all that self-induced pressure. Playing partners frequently ask me if I compete in amateur events, and my response is no, I’m not wired for it.

I’ve also learned to accept imperfection through my woodburning activities. At first, I wanted to hoard my art because that was easier than waiting for someone to say, “I like it.” I started giving it away, and it has been quite liberating. In some cases, I will never know if someone liked it. I only know what was in my heart when I created it and shared it. Somehow, that’s enough.

As for my other hobbies, some are going quite well and others leave something to be desired. Between the virus and Trump’s antics, it’s hard for me to sit still long enough to read. I have a book I’ve renewed two times, and I’m committed to reading it before the next expiration date.

But I honestly am not sure I can relax until Elvis has left the building. I was hoping that would be on Inauguration Day, but I read they have to deep clean the White House due to COVID-19 (not simply the stench of his presence), so it may take longer once they finally drag him out, perhaps kicking and screaming. Handcuffs would be nice.

I haven’t been swimming since the health club was forced to close down its indoor activities. The outdoor pools are still open, but I had concerns about the whole set-up. I really wanted to swim Sunday, so I reserved a lane and went over there. I did not like what I saw.

The weight equipment has been moved outside, and I had to walk through sweaty maskless people to reach poolside, where they set up stationary bicycles at the water’s edge, where I would normally enter the pool, and where sweaty maskless people were furiously spinning away.

I left. I’m keeping my membership for now, as I expect the restrictions to loosen sometime in January. You know, after the Christmas COVID rush. Once all that equipment and all those people move back inside, I’ll feel safer.

Although I may be overly cautious, it’s better than being careless or in denial. I played golf with an older guy, who said, “There’s a zero percent chance of getting this virus, but a few people do get it.” Lord. I just keep my mouth shut and the distance greater than six feet.

In the continuing adventures of a gentlewoman cannabis farmer, my plants have been doing great! I grow one at a time by a south-facing window with supplemental light. With autoflowering seeds, you don’t need much more than that. Since the summer, I’ve harvested 42 grams of high-quality buds.

That’s more than enough to make my next batch of cannabis balm, which I use daily on creaky body parts. The recipe is on my downloads page. While some say topical cannabis doesn’t work for them, I’m a believer. I first started using it shortly after my 2015 mastectomy, which resulted in neuropathic pain. I’m not good at describing what the pain feels like, but it’s like all the nerves are screaming, “Fire in the house!”

Recently it occurred to me I don’t have that pain anymore, so I stopped using the cream. Within a month, the pain returned. I also use it on my knees and on an itchy patch of skin on my back called Notalgia Paresthetica (Latin for itches like a mofo).

We celebrated 42 years of marriage on the winter solstice. I made tacos.

14 thoughts on “Ambition is overrated”

  1. Congratulations on making it 42 years. quite the accomplishment. I agree about the gym and having the equipment by the pool… Geez. Hopefully, it will all improve once we can get the vaccine. I see my doctor next week and that’s the first thing I’m going to ask. Honestly, I’m still having anxiety about Trump. He just keeps outdoing his last worst thing.

    1. Thank you! As for Trump, you are right. One of the late night comedians said, “Just when you think it can’t get any worse, why would you think that?”

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! It sounds like his cooking prowess is a valid excuse for keeping him around.

  3. I haven’t been at my fitness club since March 12. I miss both the gym and the pool. Thankfully, the club allowed members to put a hold on memberships until February 2021. Given that Ontario is entering lockdown #2 on Boxing Day, I’m thinking the hold may be extended. In any case, I won’t return until I don’t have to walk among sweaty people on equipment that is ‘distanced’ but still feels unsafe. As for the pool, what I enjoyed were the aquafit classes and these have not resumed. Too bad.

    1. It’s hard to give up something you love doing, but some people’s idea of “distanced” is iffy.

  4. I totally agree – can’t quite relax yet while he is still in office, seemingly determined to crash everything around him. I have always been a news junkie, so I’m kinda going through withdrawal because it’s just too upsetting to keep up with each new thing. But I can’t stand going totally without news. Like you, all this dissension has affected my reading concentration.

    I also haven’t been to my gym since mid-March, and I miss swimming more than I can say. I’ve adapted to walking as an alternate, but I’m not as totally willing to walk in all weather as I was in years past. Pennsylvania can have some pretty cold weather, with freezing rain, etc. So some days I bake cookies instead.

    1. It is frightening to watch. And I think he likes frightening people like us.

      You might enjoy this blog, which I recently found. It is written by a guy we used to hang out with more than 30 years ago. We lost touch when he and his wife divorced. The blog takes a historical and cultural look at Pennsylvania food:

  5. Donna, I think 42 yrs of marriage is an ambitious accomplishment as are your creative outlets, including growing cannabis. Retirement is more about being than doing. You’re still doing a lot. The days of punching the clock and running the wheel are over. You’re doing time so time doesn’t do you. Managing a home, free time and a relationship is enough and takes more effort and energy than we acknowledge. Your anniversary on Dec 21 is one more reason to celebrate the winter solstice. Season’s greetings to you and Dale.

    1. What a lovely message — thank you! I agree that we tend to undervalue the effort and energy everyday life. Happy holidays to you as well. Let’s hope good things are coming in 2021.

  6. Took me quite some time to release that ambitious side of my nature, when we retired. Doing pretty good with it, now!! 2020,especially, has been a lesson in simplicity and gratitude.Like you,I won’t rest easy till after January 20. And I share your thoughts on caution..the gym set up= not a good situation if you ask me! My husband also had to give up swimming laps at his gym.

    I am still incredulous that Arizona is over 6000 cases per day and we still have open bars, in house dining,gyms,movie theaters, all open.I get emails asking me to sign up for New Year’s eve parties in these venues.WTF???? Our Governor is completely out to lunch.

    My husband and I just focus on what WE can do to be safe sound and cozy.Luckily, we have myriad hobbies and interests and I have a back log of books on my kindle.If all else fails I can make cookies and then eat them!

    Happy Holidays, and congrats on your Anniversary!!

    1. We seem to be of like mind! Releasing the ambitious side has been good for me.

      I continue to be stunned by all the people who act like the virus isn’t real. But you are right. All we can do is take care of ourselves.

      Thanks for the anniversary wishes — and happy holidays to you and your family.

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