Not messing with my face

I’ve been thinking about Madonna’s face, and I’m guessing that’s exactly what she wanted. Famous people accustomed to the limelight can’t seem to give it up, so why not just maim yourself to get everyone talking? I don’t believe it has anything to do with ageism. I mean, she doesn’t look younger, only worse, but at least she’s in the headlines again.

Personally, I’m more focused on healthy habits and creature comforts than messing with my aging face. Do I sometimes do a little mirror surgery to see what I’d look like with everything tightened right up? Sure, but that’s not how I want to go down.

For example, I went to the dermatologist yesterday and actually had to put on real clothes. Black leggings, black t-shirt, black denim jacket, white sneakers, turquoise earrings, no makeup and a shock of silver hair. I must admit, I looked in the mirror and thought, damn, I look cool.

As I see it, you can dye your hair and inject your face, and that might create the illusion of youth, but I’m pretty sure they know how old we are. My thinking is that silence is a position of weakness, and being silent erodes confidence over time. I refuse to cower.

Aging should be a liberating experience. Wear what you want, say what you think, live how you like and like how you look – perhaps it is the absence of these things that makes aging such a drag for so many people.

But not us! We’re digging it, right?

So, the latest in retirement creature comforts – linen sheets. I mean, if you can afford this, do it before you die. I bought mine here. I can’t quite describe the comfort – soft but not silky. Not warm, not cool. The fabric feels heavier, but air flows through it. Dale preferred silky cotton, but he’s converted now. There’s no turning back for me.

Another indulgence I started this year is a 90-minute full-body massage every three weeks.  I love it. Yes, even though it does hurt a bit when she digs into those trigger points. The pain kind of scared me at first. I thought she had uncovered some sort of rare muscle-wasting disease, and I almost quit going because I thought, well, better not to know.

But now, I just breathe my way through it and it starts to feel good. Aside from the pure pleasure of having my creaky old body tended to, I do think massage is nothing but good news for your immune system, and it helps with stress, circulation, muscle pain and flexibility.

So, back to aging faces. I love the artist Jesse Dayton, and I am absolutely crazy about this reboot of Brand New Cadillac with Samantha Fish. Check out the drummer!

Old and cool. Inspiration for us all.

11 thoughts on “Not messing with my face”

    1. I’m glad you like it, too. I’ve always loved The Clash version of the song, but this is my new favorite.

  1. I can’t say I even noticed her face – I couldn’t look beyond the Nazi-inspired outfit.

    But totally agree with making the most of what you have – naturally. That said, I’ve never been a beauty, so never had to rely on my looks. I can see it might be harder if that’s what you’re used to. Although I never saw Madonna as that person, which just goes to show how little you can read a celebrity if you don’t actually know them.

    1. I may not know them, but I do think celebrities and other people who get by on their looks are very different from the rest of us.

  2. I’ve never regretted letting my hair go gray. And I can’t imagine doing anything to my face that isn’t natural. I may not be beautiful but I am the real thing!!

  3. Madonna was showing her newest nip & tuck already for a long time on TikTok , where she could check the feedback (hint: rather negative). She has an upcoming tour and then she is an attention whore. Or as we say “Berufsjugendliche”. The very best on her appearence was her outfit by 90’s Thierry Mugler (look at the waist!) and platform shoes by Vivienne Westwood.

    If you never have been a super beauty, ageing is so much easier!

      1. You are right, Donna.
        I have seen “Wednesday” and liked it. And yes, the look and those Prada boots are awsome.

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